Current Team

Trevor E. Pitcher, Phd

Professor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER) & Integrative Biology

Director, Freshwater Restoration Ecology Centre (FREC)

Member of the COSEWIC, Freshwater Fishes SSC

Office: 519-253-3000 ext. 2710
Lab: 519-253-3000 ext. 4737

Dr. Ali Mokdad – postdoctoral fellow

Dr. Britney Firth – Postdoctoral fellow

Research focus: Conservatrion physiology of threatened and endangered fishes

olivia galloway – MSc student

Research focus: I investigate the effects of enrichment on the rearing of Lake Sturgeon and also examine potential stressors (e.g. road salt) for species at risk including Redside Dace.

Dr. Jonathan choquette – postdoctoral fellow

Using Conservation Translocations to Recover Massasaugas (Sistrurus catenatus) at the Ojibway Prairie Complex and Greater Park Ecosystem. Co-Supervised with: Dr. Jackie Litzgus (Laurentian University)


Dane Roberts – MSc Student


Maiza Saqib – MSc Student


grayson tellier – msc student


olivia stanton – honours thesis student